Video: Sturdy featured on CS Insider

Joel Passen
May 17, 2021
5 Min Read

Our customers are telling us what they want and need every day - with nearly every message. Customers give us information to run our businesses better, predict churn, capture references, get in front of renewals, prioritize features, and more. Until now this data has been trapped and left to decay in dozens, if not hundreds of data silos.

This week SturdyAI is in the spotlight at CS Insider, a community comprised of all things customer success, curated for busy professionals. In this short video, we walk through how SturdyAI is helping businesses detect signals that empower teams to preempt risks and discover opportunities that impact the bottom line. 

  • Analyze customer communication channels like tickets, email, chat, and voice for valuable insights.
  • Accelerate data into action so stakeholders can quickly act on what’s most urgent.
  • Tap into and leverage a valuable new data set that you’re likely ignoring today.

Interested in finding what's hiding in your customer communication data? Get in touch with us.

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