Sturdy releases new Signal - How To

Joel Passen
January 3, 2022
2 Min Read
Sturdy Signals

Sturdy's Data Engineering team has been hard at work developing new customer Signals. Late last month, the team added a new customer signal to our AI-powered customer intelligence platform called “How To”. This signal detects when your customers ask, “How do I do this?”. By listening for this type of interaction, SturdyAI users get immediate access to insights like:

  • Which new or existing features do your customers need help with, either because they are confused by them or because they are very interested 
  • When seemingly small UI/UX issues become trends
  • Which customers could benefit from more training, helping you to develop your champions
  • How to improve your knowledge base, help text, and self-serve content   

Next up, we’ll launch our new Expansion Signal. This signal will help to identify when your customers express purchasing intent like adding more users, buying services, or upgrading their plan.   

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