Are you listening? Really?

Get the unabridged, unbiased voice of the customer delivered—real talk. No surveys, focus groups, or begging for feedback.

Capture product feedback

Nothing is more valuable to product owners than hearing unprompted feedback from users. Sturdy captures the unsolicited, unbiased voice of the customer from every channel, so you can quickly identify feature requests, user confusion, frustrations, and more. Get the whole story from the people who matter most - your users - and use that data to make informed product planning decisions.

Slice and dice user feedback

Slice and dice real user feedback like feature requests, confusion, and product friction by product mix, segments, and cohorts to better understand how to maintain product-market fit across your customer base. Go from guessing to hearing and make better data-driven decisions that improve product engagement.

Go beyond surveys, sentiment, and usage data

Don’t rely on surveys and usage data to learn about your customers. Why capture a fraction of customer feedback when you can have it all? Use the real voice of the customer from every channel and get the complete story. Only then will you know how people feel about your products at every stage of their journey.