Sturdy helps services businesses retain customers.

We designed Sturdy to automatically identify risks and opportunities that boost customer retention rates.
Sturdy helping services businesses
Hawk Media + Sturdy stopping churn

How Hawke Media improved month-over-month retention by 30% in just six weeks.

Sturdy has given Hawke Media's team the insights necessary to intervene and save hundreds of thousands of dollars in annual contract value in under six months.

Sturdy is purpose built for services businesses.

Running a services business is hard. We know. We've done it. We learned that customers are giving us information—feedback—every day, but until now, it's been trapped in emails, phone calls, and chats. And, unlike tech companies, you can't even review usage and engagement data. This is why we built Sturdy. We turn everyday customer interactions into knowledge that your teams will use to retain more customers.
Sturdy helping services businesses

Simple. Smart. Safe.

Sturdy empowers services businesses to identify customer and revenue-related risks without complicated change management, expensive data sciences teams, and lots of IT resources. Turn it on and start getting game-changing insights tomorrow. And, unlike do-it-yourself solutions, we've built the platform for the privacy-first era.

Leverage AI in your business tomorrow.
Get Sturdy Today.